Attract. Inform. Retain.
Inside Princeton's process is structured to help employers achieve these vital goals. The steps are intuitive, straightforward and thorough—designed to identify candidate needs and provide the right insights thoughtfully and efficiently.
Inside Princeton's
4-Step Process
1 Candidate Profile
Inside Princeton provides the employer with a template to gather detailed information about the position, the candidate (and family), and their needs and concerns.
2 Personal Introduction
The employer introduces Inside Princeton to their candidate, new hire or employee, providing a description of our services and directing them to discuss their personal/family needs freely with us.
We speak privately with the individual to create a detailed needs assessment.
3 Customized Program
We meet with the candidate (and/or their spouse or partner) in the Princeton area to provide a custom experience addressing their most urgent questions and priorities. Inside Princeton offers both half-day and full-day immersions.
Itineraries may involve meeting realtors, visiting local destinations of interest, taking tours, etc. We'll also share a meal to discuss hopes and needs in greater detail.
4 Ongoing Support
On a continuing basis, we help new hires discover the many ways they can enhance their families' lives in the Princeton area. For those relocating, we recommend a year of support. This can be intermittent but it may, at times, include daily contact.
Inside Princeton provides the employer with regular recaps of all services engaged while maintaining employee confidentiality, as appropriate.

Bob Denby (right) and associate Barb Webb (second from left) meet with Princeton University's Ben Chang (left) and his wife Ashley (with pup MooShu) to discuss the needs of incoming faculty members from around the globe.
NOTE: While providing Inside Princeton services, we may discuss personal circumstances and needs (current and anticipated) of prospects/employees
that our clients are not permitted to consider when making employment decisions. All such information will be kept confidential.